Yoga Cruise Guestbook
760 Entries on 76 pages
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40 » Melanie
Magic holidays

One week back to "normal" life with autumn weather and working makes all the wonderful memories of the yoga cruise time even more valuable! Thanks to Kathja , Sven the Tersane-crew and all the likeable people on the boot for this magnificent reeelaxing and inspiring holidays. One week on the Yoga Cruise is the perfect combination of yoga exercise, lounging in the sun, fantastic landscape, culture, delicious food, time for reading and talking, swimming in clear water and very interesting and nice people. Maybe I should already talk to my boss about next year's holidays...
See you! Melanie

39 » Ruth
Tersane maiden voyage

What a fantastic week!
A big THANKS to Kathja & Sven, my dear fellow cruisers and the Tersane crew for all the good care, laughter, happiness, great practises and special moments (OMG there they are...dolphins!!). We have been on the most beautiful places (secret beaches..), swum in the clearest sea, enjoyed the most delicious food and had so much fun.
The memories are still bringing back a big smile on my face.
Stay happy!

38 » Yvonne

Dear Kathja, Seven and Crew

Even the 6. ( ) time on board was a great experience to me. This time was a very special one. We started our trip in Fethyie after beautiful journey from Antalya. It was very interesting to see a new part of this wonderful coast. And all the people on the board was so nice and with a good spirit. And...of course...there was again the wonderful food of Mahmut...mhhhhhh.....!!! Just delicious!! And again I hopped on board rather exhausted...tired and stressed...and left the boat in good shape and totally reeeeelaxxxxxeeed! This thanks to you Kathja with your Yoga sessions...above all the "Superman", especially when counted down from 15....14...ok...a bit higher...13!!!
Also the crew was great...everyone caring so much and helpful. But I mostly admired the captain...who drove this big ship with his toe )) ! make it short: "I'll be back (to say it with Arnie)!!

Thanks so much again for everything!!


37 » Katrin

kathja, sven, yoga, schlemmen, relaxen, sonne, schwimmen, die lykische küste, eine internationale cruising-truppe, die freundliche crew, ab und zu einen mojito oder gin tonic trinken
das alles macht sehr, sehr glücklich!
danke und yoga ahoi, katrin

36 » Sabine + Tom

Liebe Katja, lieber Sven,

wir hatte eine wunderbare Zeit auf dem Yogaschiff und haben neben der Sonne, dem tollen Meerbadewasser, der schönen Natur und dem Sternenhimmel über Nacht, der uns an Deck schlafend in die Träume begleitete, die wundervolle Atmosphäre, die ihr auf dieser Reise schafft genossen!
Das Schiffsteam war toll, das Essen immer richtig lecker, eure Organisation voller Herzlichkeit und Hingabe.
Wir haben uns sehr frei gefühlt!
Und vielen Dank für die tolle Unterstützung beim Fotografieren! Der Leser wird all dies dem Artikel anmerken !
In diesem Sinne: YOGA AHOI, SHANTI, SHANTI !

35 » Marita
Most amazing vacation!

Thank you so much for the fantastic week I got to spend with you aboard the Atlantis!

The yoga was wonderful - both for body and mind.
The food was lovely - varied dishes, buth always at great taste.
The people aboard (including Sven and Kathja, the crew and my fellow yogacruisers) were all welcoming, fun and charming.

I had the time of my life, and would not hesitate to reccomend this to anyone!
Thank you

34 » Gabi

Dear Kathja & Sven,

thanks a lot for an amazing week I have spent with you on board of the wonderful ATLANTIS. Starting with the first warm welcome you gave me upon arrival I immediately felt at home
Nice group, nice crew, delicious food, wonderful nature and Kathja's very good way of teaching YOGA - this must be paradise. Now I'm back to reality watching the nice photos you provided us and listening to "Salla Salla Salla" which helps me to remain in good spirits!
All the best to you and keep on realising your ideas!
xxx Gabi

33 » Erna
Sprookjes bestaan

Na een lange donkere winter kreeg ik ineens de geest: ik moest er nodig een weekje tussenuit.  Ik kwam op de website van Yogacruise, zag de prachtige reportage in Yogamagazine en heb meteen geboekt. 
En toen bleken de foto's echt te kloppen. Als ik op mijn yogamatje om me heen keek, kon ik bijna niet geloven hoe mooi het was.
Het was zo ontzettend relaxed: yogales op het dek,  beetje zonnen, beetje lezen, zwemmen in de zee en van de ene heerlijke maaltijd naar de andere. Er waren leuke mensen uit allerlei windstreken, Kathja en Sven zijn gewoon geweldig en ik had de hele crew wel mee naar huis willen nemen.
Ik heb een heerlijke week gehad, waarin ik alleen maar hoefde te ontspannen en te genieten en verder helemaal niets.
Het was mijn eerste yogavakantie, maar ik vrees dat ik verpest ben voor het leven. Nou ja, volgend jaar dan maar weer?

32 » lilith
unvergesslicher Ausgleich

liebe kathja, lieber sven,

eine sehr besondere woche liegt hinter uns...
wir (meine beiden liebsten schwestern und ich) genossen den ersten gemeinsamen urlaub seit fast 20 jahren auf eurer segelyacht. unglaublich schön, perfekt. mir fällt nichts ein, was an diesem urlaub optimiert werden könnte. alle sind bei euch glücklich:
der körper (anspruchsvolles training, toben im lauwarmen salzwasser, leckerstes essen - mmhhh)
das seelchen (lässt sich baumeln und genießt)
der geist (darf mit einem guten buch verwöhnt werden oder macht urlau.

au revoir!
eure lilith

31 » Trudie
More.. mashed potatoes.... please...

Hey there...

I am leaving this note about a month since I stepped off the Atlantis... it seems so long ago!! However, I had a fabulous time.. with a special bunch of people... and I do not recommend practicing shoulder stands in the cabin (and yes that is from experience!).. you offer something really special... and being a yoga novice.. upon my return I have been going to yoga classes at the gym.

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